The Driving Points System in Colorado

Every driver in Colorado has responsibilities that go beyond maintaining a car in good working order. Driving privileges demand that drivers adhere to traffic rules in order to prevent traffic infractions which have multiple consequences, for other road users and for drivers themselves. Consequences for disobeying traffic rules include suspension of license, the payment of fines, and, depending on the severity of the infraction, jail time. The Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) calculates and punishes drivers’ traffic infractions through the license points system. Each traffic violation is set to attract a fixed number of points on a driver’s license. Drivers who repeat traffic infractions and thus accumulate a designated number of points within certain periods of time can get their license suspended for up to one year. The chart below shows common traffic infractions and the attendant impact using the points system.

Traffic Violation: License Points

Leaving the scene of an accident: 12

DUI (driving under the influence): 12

DWAI (driving while ability impaired): 8

Underage drunk driving: 4

Speed contest (street racing): 12

Speed exhibition: 5

Reckless driving: 8

Careless driving: 4

Careless driving causing a fatality: 12

Serious bodily injury to vulnerable road user: 12


  • 5 to 9 miles per hour over the limit: 1

  • 10 to 19 miles per hour over the limit: 4

  • 20 to 39 miles per hour over the limit: 6

  • 40 or more miles per hour over the limit: 12

Failure to reduce speed for hazards: 3

Failure to stop for school zone signals: 6

Driving on the wrong side of the road: 4

Improper passing: 4

Failure to stop for school bus: 6

Following too closely: 4

Failure to observe signal or sign: 4

Failure to yield to an emergency vehicle: 4

Failure to yield right-of-way: 3

Improper turn: 3

Failure to signal: 2

Failure to dim lights: 2

Defective headlamps: 1

Eluding officer: 12

Failure to yield to pedestrian: 4

Failure to yield to disabled pedestrian: 6

Seatbelt violation: 2

Underage cellphone violation: 1

Texting and driving: 4

Failure to use due care while passing stationary vehicle: 3 (6 points if injury, 8 points if death)

License restriction violation: 3

Unlisted misdemeanor traffic violation: 3

Failure to show or maintain proof of insurance: 4


The impact of the points system is not limited to the suspension of a driver’s license but can stay on a driver’s record for several years and trigger an increase in their future insurance rates. Multiple traffic infractions can accumulate and result in more severe penalties. Although the DMV’s point system applies to all drivers, penalties are usually applied based on the age of the driver.

Age of Driver Period of Accumulation Points for Suspension

Younger than 18 years 12 Months 5 (or 6 prior to turning 18 years)

Between 18-20 years 12 Months 9

24 Months 12 (or 14 since turning 18 years)

21+ years 12 Months 12

24 Months. 18

Checking Points on Driver’s License

Anyone can check the points on their driver’s license online from the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website, in person at the DMV, or request their points via mail by completing a DMV record request form.

Resetting license points

For minor traffic infractions or violations, points generally reset after the expiration of one year after the violation. For more habitual violators, it may take much longer for the points to reset, even when there are no new violations after the points have been accumulated. As traffic violations reduce, points will eventually drop off with time, as points expire.

A driver can also fight a traffic ticket in court. In cases of repeated or serious infractions, and even many minor infractions, it is advisable to get the help of an attorney with fighting a traffic ticket and other infractions you may have been charged with. An attorney can sometimes secure outcomes that do not result in DMV points being assessed against you.  

Are you bogged down with traffic tickets or a suspended license and wonder how to go about resolving them or restoring your rights to drive? Talk to us at NewbergerKing Law. Barrie is experienced in defending against these charges. Contact NewbergerKing Law LLC today at 970-946-4157 to schedule a free consultation.


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