About Barrie Newberger King
Barrie is skilled in all areas of criminal defense, having practiced in Southwestern Colorado for over a decade. She first spent almost eight years in the Four Corners as a Deputy Public Defender, then Senior Deputy Public Defender, before starting her own practice. During her time at the public defender’s office, she was County Court Supervisor and Juvenile Court Supervisor. She has represented clients in all levels of criminal cases in the 22nd and 6th Judicial Districts, including DUI, assault, murder, drug possession, arson, theft, fraud, and sexual assault.
In 2018, Barrie was asked to be one of a handful of juvenile defense representatives on the statewide Improving Youth Outcomes Taskforce formed by former Governor Hickenlooper. The IYO Taskforce developed proposed legislative changes, which were eventually passed in 2019, to better serve children involved in the juvenile delinquency system. Barrie is certified by the National Juvenile Defender Center (now The Gault Center) as a trainer in their nationally-renown training model, the Juvenile Training Immersion Program. Barrie represents Colorado on the Southwest Regional Advisory Board of The Gault Center.
Barrie also sits on the Board of two local organizations, Riverhouse Children’s Center and the Southwest Colorado Bar Association.
Barrie graduated cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center where she was Note Development Editor for the American Criminal Law Review and a member of the Criminal Defense and Prisoner Advocacy Clinic. She has worked for the Federal Defender Program in Chicago, Illinois; the Alexandra Public Defender’s Office in Alexandria, Virginia; the Advancement Project in Washington, D.C.; and the American Bar Association’s Death Penalty Representation Project, also in Washington, D.C.
Barrie graduated with her B.A. in Comparative American Studies from Oberlin College, where she was also an Academic All-American in Track and Field and nationally ranked in the 1500 meters.
Originally from Appalachia, Barrie now calls the bigger mountains of Colorado her home with her husband, a third-generation Durangoan, and their son.